Today is the day ! I joined Typepad and took the very first steps for this adventure of our time : Create a website with pictures to show to the world , and eventually a blog with daily updates (weekly updates will do the job ) ... as a french photographer wanting to show his work , a photoblog was the right tool . It took some effort and patient information gathering for a non techie like me to consider to really do it ! Thank you to Mena and Ben Trott from Six Apart in San Mateo , California , who made this possible ... If you come to Paris , let me know ! It all began when I made some research for my 2003 trip to Tokyo . I was going alone , Benedicte could'nt come and I was anxious about finding my way in this big city . On a Lonely Planet forum , I had a question answered by an australian woman , Martine Cotton ,living in Japan and who had an interesting website-photoblog : .We exchanged a few emails and planned to see each other in Tokyo . On her blog , she wrote one day that she was going "movable type" and that it was some kind of revolution for her website . I had never heard about movable type , so I did some research and found out the group , "Six Apart" behind this new feature . And Typepad , created by the same people , was there ... So , thanks to Martine that inadvertedly put me on Typepad path ! I met her in Tokyo with another australian with a website , Kimberley : Back from Japan , it was a matter of time till I joined Typepad ...I'll now focus , the next coming weeks , on how to edit , compose and arrange my pages . Expect some time to pass , till then . This picture to anounce the trip in Mother India , Rajasthan and portraits made in indian cities and streets ...
January 9 2004 . This website will be about photography . Photo archives and weblog will be photography oriented , with a world or travel flavour . It will be also about wine , wine tasting and vineyards in France as I will post pictures and comments about the french wine landscape . Look for the
wine journal in the right column . As for pictures , I'm not fully digital yet , even if I acquired a used DSC in Akihabara (at Sofmap ) to begin with .I still prefer the convenience and reliability of traditional cameras , especially when I'm far from home .